Finally, there is a cure for PCOS !
Dr. Sreevani is an Integrative gynaecologist, a rare breed of doctor who has been trained to diagnose and treat your body as the whole, integrated, complex system that it is.
Dr. Sreevani's Cure PCOS is a unique methodology formulated after detailed experimentation on the root causes of PCOS. After years of dedicated research, the passionate doctor, who was determined to find a cure, finally stumbled upon the unique way to reverse it.
It is a customised programme to take care of the imbalances of individuals and tailor the program to suit the specific needs of individuals, in order to make it work effectively in a less period of time and with minimal effort on the part of the participant.
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Click here to join the webinar scheduled at 5:59 pm (IST) on Saturday, 14th August 2021.
Testimonials by Elated Souls
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Click here to join the webinar scheduled at 5:59 pm (IST) on Saturday, 14th August 2021.
All About PCOS and the Mechanism of its Reversal
“No two women are the same !
No two cases of PCOS are the same !!
No two PCOS treatment plans are the same !!!
But, the all plans have deep similarities and eventually, each and every participant can be blessed with great health.”
Dr. Sreevani's Methodology
A foundational theory of integrative medicine is that, because everything in the body is interrelated, we cannot just tinkle with one part of the body.
Dr. Sreevani's methodology imbibes the above principle and puts it in practice. It is an integrative approach to healing that addresses the root causes of PCOS. No matter what your PCOS symptoms are, they will get better.
Everything in this program is based on scientific studies.
About Fertility
Your natural menstrual cycle is a vital sign of health !
The solution to an irregular menstrual cycle is not to treat symptoms by prescribing birth control pills or powerful fertility drugs. The solution is to get to the root causes and restore total health so that natural reproductive functions start back up again.
About Weight loss
You are amazing as you are !
But every single symptom of PCOS is worse for heavier women. Losing weight is one of the most powerful ways to restore your health. Losing weight indicates that the protocol is working and that you are regaining metabolic health.
What is Metabolism ?
It is how your body makes, uses and stores energy !
It relies on hormonal messengers. It includes every organ in the body, especially liver, pancreas, and hypothalamus.
It occurs primarily on a cellular level, with individual cells absorbing or repelling sugars and fats circulating in the blood to use for fuel. And it incorporates the health and lifespan of those cells. If you have metabolic health, all of these organs and processes work smoothly together.
Strategies for long-term weight loss are the same strategies for reining in your PCOS, and establishing long-term, whole-body health
They are
Reduce inflammation
Increase insulin sensitivity
Normalise your hormones and their rhythms
What is inflammation ?
It is your immune system’s way to fight infections and heal wounds. When a part of your body is injured, immune cells rush to the site, and the resulting increase in blood causes redness and swelling. This works great to heal acute injuries.
Unfortunately, the body treats chronic conditions like PCOS as chronic injuries, and you get chronic inflammation. Instead of healing, chronic inflammation makes you sick. It causes complications like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cancer and weight gain.
What is insulin sensitivity ?
It's a unique piece of PCOS puzzle. It is your body’s ability to see and respond to insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar.
PCOS makes you insulin resistant, which means your body can’t react to insulin and your blood sugar goes up and down more than it should. Additionally it causes inflammation, raises your Testosterone levels, which exacerbates acne and other symptoms of PCOS. It keeps your body in fat storage mode, so you perpetually gain weight and never burn it.
What are hormonal rhythms and balances ?
Hormones are chemical messengers that tell your body what to do and when to do. PCOS is an endocrine disorder because so many of our hormones are out of balance. We don't have the right levels of each hormone and our hormones don’t behave the way they are supposed to. Testosterone, cortisol, insulin are high, Estrogen and serotonin are too low. And on top of that, these hormones don’t cycle up and down properly with the 24-hour day, which causes anxiety, sleep disorders, infertility, and, yes, weight gain.
Can we tame our organs and move towards achieving balance ? Yes and yes and yes !
How to lose weight in an unconventional manner ?
Losing weight is not about optimizing a calorie-in-calorie-out equation. It is about resetting the systems in your body so you use fat and sugars as fuel for your cells the way you are supposed to. It is about restoring hormonal rhythms and balance throughout your body. In short, you lose weight by healing PCOS.
A Final Word About Health
It’s not a number, a dress size, a distance of miles run. It’s not even absence of disease !!!
Then, what is it ?
Health is a relationship with our bodies, our lives, our fellow creatures on this planet, and our environment. Health is an ability to move through the world with flexibility, strength, happiness and confidence. It is physical, emotional, and social. And it is a continuous process - a dynamic process, not a finish line.
“We don't get health, We live with health.”
“You deserve to feel good in your body.”
Dr. Sreevani sincerely thanks her mentors who inspired her to achieve this remarkable feat to help womankind
- Dr.Pramod Tripathi, Vishen Lakhiani, Goenka ji, Rajesh Bhatt, Dr. Felice Gersh and Dr.Srinivas Karnav.
For FREE registration for the session, mail your name and mobile number to
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Click here to join the webinar scheduled at 5:59 pm (IST) on Saturday, 14th August 2021.